Hard to Kill Hanging Plants 9 TOP & AMAZING
9 best indoor hanging plants that are hard to kill
Hard to kill hanging plants are not only saving space at your home but also are a nice addition to every room.
The String of Pearls
This plan looks pretty amazing. In fact, it is very easy to take care of and it’s definitely unique and an eye-catcher. The string of pearls only requires that you keep the soil moist and leave it in bright, not direct light.
Devil’s ivy
Another hard-to-kill hanging plant! This plant is perfect for a hanging pot! Needs little water and can withstand varying temperatures. Devil’s ivy is an easy-to-manage plant that can suit any part of the home.
String of Pearls
This unusual succulent is becoming more and more popular in the home. Thanks to its easy-to-care nature.
Asparagus Fern
The Asparagus Fern requires indirect light and plenty of water. A great plant to keep in the dining room or living room.

Heartleaf Philodendron
A lot of people are keeping that plant in the bathroom! In my opinion, every place with Heartleaf Philodendron will definitely look trendy and amazing. Additionally, it is easy to take care of!
Boston Fern – Another hard-to-kill hanging plant!
Boston ferns are perfect for creating a lush botanical display! Boston fern is a perfect bathroom plant as it prefers humid conditions and indirect sunlight!
Spider Plant
Great plant for your kitchen or living room. Spider plant prefers indirect sunlight. Caring for this plant is easy. Spider plant is considered one of the easiest houseplants to grow.
Chinese Money Plant
A beautiful plant with its coin-shaped leaves. Chinese Money Plant is very trendy. Needs to be watered once per week and it is a really low maintenance plant.
Burro’s tail
Burro’s tail is popular hanging succulent. It needs protection from cold temperatures and sunshine.
A Couple of Tips For The Indoor Gardener
While all plants are quite apt to flourish inside your home, they do need basically the very same conditions to grow as outdoor plants do. These conditions are a good supply of fresh air, correct sunshine, water, and nutrients such as plant food commonly called ‘fertilizer’.
We will include here a few suggestions that are sure to make your indoor plants grow much healthier and include appeal to your surroundings.
Ever see how plants will face the source of sunlight? Due to the fact that the sun is the main source of their nutrition, this is. Plant leaves change water and nutrition from the soil to food through a process called ‘photosynthesis.
A number of hours of sunshine are a must for your indoor plants. And can not move the plants you ought to think about buying a couple of indoor gardening lights if you do not have a location where you can have appropriate sunshine.
Normal lights will not do. Indoor gardening lights provide enough ultraviolet light to nourish the plants.
Offer sufficient water to your plants. Your indoor plants require ‘room temperature water to endure. Do not overwater the plants, many plants die due to a lack of water or a surplus of it than they do of another factor.
Follow a general rule, like you test a cake you should pierce a knitting needle into a plant container. If the needle goes in with ease the soil is just the ideal wetness, if not increase the quantity of water a bit.
Fertilizers are likewise crucial, as soon as a fortnight include a scoop of indoor plant fertilizer in your plant pot.
Utilized tea leaves are likewise an excellent supply of nutrition to your plant.
Follow these easy techniques and you will see your indoor garden succeeding soon.